Event Services and Prices

full  events

Dreamshow  Events  services   will  give  you  Full  from  events   from  the book  to  executing  

20  dollars an  hour for  medium

15 dollars an  hour  small events

$25 hour Half  day 

 $60 for a full day 

100-20000 for  large

Day of   Supprot 

Dreamshowevents services can    give   you on Day event Services

20hr up to 200 for event staff

30 hr up to for stage and technical

Technical and stage 

3hr up  to  300  add   20  dollars   after that

Full Talent Management, 200  

Concerts  services    



talent   support 

hospitality services

Rentals services

Rentals   services 

other services 

any other  services   that   we have   that  is  not  Prices  is   on a sacle 

Public   relations support